How many birds can local birders find in twenty-four hours? It’s a challenge Island birders have been giving themselves for more than twenty years. From 5PM on Friday, May 16 through 5PM on Saturday, May 17, the Maria Mitchell Association invites birders of all ages, experienced and novice, on Nantucket to participate in our annual Bird-A-Thon. At the close, birders come together to pool their lists and see how many species were here in that snapshot of time.
The goal of the Bird-A-Thon is to encourage participants to notice birds in their daily lives. To register as a birder for this event, please follow the link below to register by
Friday, May 16 at 2 PM. Following the end of event, the MMA will host a live count session, to officially count the species seen, at the MMA Research Center on
Saturday, May 17 at 5:30 PM.
All donations to the Nantucket Bird-A-Thon support the MMA’s conservation of its renowned Edith F. Andrews Ornithology Collection and activities related to the MMA’s work on bird conservation education.
Participating birders should identify the species of birds they see within this 24-hour period and keep track using a list.
First, be sure to officially register as a birder by Friday, May 16 at 2 PM by following the link in the section above.
Please submit your list to the MMA Saturday, May 17 at 5:15 PM.
As always, this event serves as a reminder of the variety and abundance of wildlife that surrounds us and our responsibility to preserve the habitats of our beautiful and varied bird species. We ask our participants to please:
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