Maria Mitchell Association Logo

Junior Historians

Ages 7 - 11


A Family, Year-Round Island Family Membership or higher is required to register for our Discovery Camps.

Junior Historians Weekly Camp Themes

A Walk-Through Nantucket

Week 4: July 7 - 11

Week 8: August 4 - 8

This is a half day program meeting from 10am - 2pm

A unique week-long class for children ages 7 - 10. What was Nantucket like when Maria Mitchell was a child growing up? What did it mean to be the “whaling capital of the world?” What was life like on a daily basis before electricity? And what exactly did children do way back then?

Join us for this unique week-long class as we immerse ourselves in the nineteenth century. Children will learn about all aspects of life in the time period, all about Maria Mitchell and other notable Nantucket-ers, and try their hands at crafts, games, cooking, and more to better understand what life was like. Children will learn about Maria and her family via a myriad of hands-on activities. From eclipse viewing and navigation to tinsmithing and butter making. Join us as we marble paper, tinsmith, sew, make butter, play hoops, create thaumatropes, fashion our own kaleidoscopes and coin purses, draw eclipses and more during this week-long class adventure.  

Please pack a snack, plenty of water, and a lunch each day for your child.

Location: Classes Meet behind Hinchman House Natural Science Museum in Yard between Hinchman and MMA Research Center.

Cost per participant: $605

Registration Information



Camper Health Records:

Once enrolled in Discovery Camp, your registered email will receive an invitation from our electronic health records portal - Camp Doc. To complete this profile, you will need to provide the following information:


  • Phone number for your child’s doctor 
  • Health insurance details 
  • Emergency contacts and phone numbers 
  • Names and contact info for people on your child’s pick up list 
  • Medication details if applicable
  • Physical and immunization records

Medical and medication forms are REQUIRED. Camper's profiles must be completed at least 2 weeks before your camper's registered session. Please Note: No child will be allowed to participate in our programs without our administration receiving ALL of the completed registration and medical information.  MMA reserves the right to cancel – without refund – any camper’s spot if the information is not received two weeks before the session’s start date. 


Camp Session Details:

  • Session Details will be shared the Wednesday before your camper's session begins, you will also receive a detailed email that includes drop off and pick up details, an agenda for the week with locations, activities and what to bring. Since our instructors plan their lessons the week prior to the session it is not possible to send this information sooner.

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