The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association has decided to postpone the Maria Mitchell Women of Science Symposium (MMWSS) slated for September 23-25, 2021. Given the rise in COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts, as well as the U.S., the MMA felt this was the best thing to do since its panelists, speakers, and attendees are coming from all over the country for this important and unique three-day meeting. While the MMA is sad after all of the hard work in preparing, it knows this is the right decision.
The MMA will be hosting the MMWSS in the fall of 2022 and is very grateful to its sponsors, panelists, and speakers for remaining with the MMA – this has been a process and the MMWSS was originally slated for October 2020. They have all been incredibly supportive and enthusiastic as everyone navigates these unusual times.
As Maria Mitchell once said,
There will come with the greater love of science greater love to one another. Living more nearly to Nature is living farther from the world and its follies, but nearer to the world’s people; it is to be of them, and for them, and especially for their improvement.
The MMWSS is for the improvement of all of but especially in helping to support and make sure that women have a place at the STEM table. All voices are important as each person adds something to the conversation. Without every voice, we fail.
Please stay tuned and watch the MMWSS website for updates and to register for Fall 2022!
The event is organized by the Maria Mitchell Association, a private non-profit organization. Founded in 1902, the MMA works to preserve the legacy of Nantucket native astronomer, naturalist, librarian, and educator, Maria Mitchell. The Maria Mitchell Association operates two observatories, a natural science museum, an aquarium, a research center, and preserves the historic birthplace of Maria Mitchell. A wide variety of science and history-related programming is offered throughout the year for people of all ages.
For Immediate Release
August 24 2021
Contact: Jascin Finger, MMA Deputy Director & Curator of the Mitchell House, Archives and Special Collections
Call Us: 508.228.9198
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