The MMA team is enthusiastically planning a fun-filled summer featuring our award-winning Discovery Camps, innovative family programming, inspiring Science Speaker Series, and our highly anticipated Stargazer Gala. We are eager to introduce our extraordinary interns who will help us nurture that spark for science for learners of all ages. While our programs and facilities may have capacity restrictions this year, there will be no limit on the number of opportunities available to become curious about science.
Your support last year helped us navigate through a difficult time, and we remain incredibly grateful for your generosity and assistance. We hope you will once again raise your hand in support of science and help us spring forward towards a successful 2021.
In honor of Earth Day and in support of our mission to create opportunities for all to develop a life-long passion for science, please consider a donation to the Maria Mitchell Association’s SPRING FORWARD SCIENCE FUND today.
Mariann Berg Hundahl Appley
Solomon and Georgette Boucai
Jason Bridges
William and Carol Browne
Sally and Richard Charpie
Paul and Nancy Connolly
Christopher and Christina Crampton
Amanda B. Cross
Monica and Stuart Flegg
Robert and Barbara Friedman
Logan S. Gomes
Hatch's Package Store
Charles and Ann Johnson
Roonie and Jack Kennedy
William Kuncik and Cheryl LaFleur
Carol B. Langer
Sharon Lorenzo
John Mahoney and Karen Castle
Bill and Barb Maple
Paul and Susan Meister
Dr. Julie Kaufman
David and Diane Lilly/Peravid Foundation
Richardson and Pamela Merriman
Ginger and Marlin Miller
Richard Mintz and Helaine Greenfeld
Joan A. Rosenberg and Family
Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks Smith
George and Ann Thom
Marie Timmer
Constance and Robert Walkingshaw
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